Equity and Going Green: Remaining Sustainable and Accessible in Vancouver

"As sustainable initiatives are becoming increasingly political and therefore carried out for and by those with authority and privilege, it is apparent that urban green projects are not meeting the needs or accessible for lower class, marginalized, or disabled populations. This
paper intends to examine the ways in which the Metro Vancouver area and its authorities apply and encourage sustainability."

Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA)

Acquire, Parse, Filter, Mine, Represent, Refine, Interact. An environmental impact assessment on the proposed Garibaldi at Squamish Ski Mountain Resort

Housing Affordability

Working with Census Data: tables, joins, classification, visualization. This project analyzes the affordability of housing in Vancouver.

Planning for Flooding and Storm Surge

Spatial Analysis, Map Layout, Editing. The project analyzes the flooding zones in Metro Vancouver. A specific area that I looked into was False Creek, where the new St. Paul's Hospital is to be built.